Saturday 18 June 2011

Now How is This for a Coincidence!?

Some time ago I sold a few of my very large collection of children's books via an internet auction. These were the four animal stories shown here.
I wrapped 'Walter the Farting Dog' and 'Crunch the Crocodile' in a separate parcel from 'Clifford Takes a Trip' and 'Clifford's Family' in order to keep postage posts down. However, the buyer did not pay so I then had to put them up for sale again. At the time I had about two hundred children's books listed so imagine my surprise when a few months later a different person bought (and paid for) 'Walter the Farting Dog' and 'Crunch the Crocodile'! I had not gotten around to unwrapping them so all I had to do was write out a new envelope and put them in the post. 'Clifford Takes a Trip' and 'Clifford's Family' are still wrapped together so are there any takers?!

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