Friday 27 May 2011

A Bright Cheerful Kite Flies Out

On my internet auction site I have recently sold one of these lovely large brightly coloured butterfly kites that fell off the back of a truck. Literally!
The small bundle of them seems to have dropped off a load and was never claimed, so ended up at a disposal auction, which is where I bought them. One had to be discarded because it was badly damaged by tyre treads from when it was lying on the road. I gave several away to relatives and friends but was still left with a handful which I decided to auction myself. As they were price tagged in readiness for sale with a RRP of $19.95, my special sale price of just $12.50 is still less, even though postage of $5.50 has to be added on. They are just the thing for our current breezy autumn days!

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