Friday 27 May 2011

A Bright Cheerful Kite Flies Out

On my internet auction site I have recently sold one of these lovely large brightly coloured butterfly kites that fell off the back of a truck. Literally!
The small bundle of them seems to have dropped off a load and was never claimed, so ended up at a disposal auction, which is where I bought them. One had to be discarded because it was badly damaged by tyre treads from when it was lying on the road. I gave several away to relatives and friends but was still left with a handful which I decided to auction myself. As they were price tagged in readiness for sale with a RRP of $19.95, my special sale price of just $12.50 is still less, even though postage of $5.50 has to be added on. They are just the thing for our current breezy autumn days!

Tuesday 24 May 2011

My New Pink Cockatoo Flies In

While looking at toys on internet auction I found this cute Australian cockatoo or galah.
This little chap is just so soft and fluffy. Ok, so birds are not really 'fluffy' in the same way as cats, dogsrabbits and bilbys. But he is still quite cute. His wings can spread out so he looks like is flying, too. Now, see a cat, dog, rabbit or bilby do that in a hurry!

Friday 20 May 2011

Silky Soft Panda Bear Travels from Adelaide to Melbourne

One of the most recent items I have sold via internet auction was a brand new fluffy toy, a silky soft plush panda bear with a cheekily cheerful grin.
He is about 30cm tall and his new owner advised that she was very happy indeed with him. I posted him slightly curled up in a small box and his recipient commented that it looked like he was quietly snoozing there. I do have two more left but am sure they will go to good homes soon. As South Australia has the only two real panda bears to live permanently in this country, the now reasonably famous Funi and Wang Wang, it seemed almost like I was selling a special souvenir instead of a child's toy!

Friday 6 May 2011

Tantric Massage Oil ~ Bohdi Spice Scent

I bought this pleasantly scented Tantric Bohdi Spice massage oil for a very good price on a local internet auction site recently.
It has a carnation and almond oil base and is very enjoyable to use. Some massage oils are quite sticky but this one was absorbed reasonably quickly into the skin, just leaving an agreeable musky scent. Apparently there several other aromas in the range so I shall have to look out for them.